Art Deco is our main source of inspiration. We live it everyday and continue to see its influence in contemporary work of all styles. It is our belief that this art style and movement is one of the unsung heroes of the modern age. So prevalent in almost every aspect of our lives most of us don’t even notice. Art Deco is one of the most culturally dominant, influential, diverse, multicultural and popular art forms ever created and that’s why Noir Worldwide chose to associate it with our image.
I think this Wikipedia entry says it best:
Ok, now that we have a good footing on the style you get it, right? Art deco is in essence an attempt to blend all cultures and styles into one human style. Spanning all mediums, a concept of total design, sometimes minimal, sometimes ornate and beyond visually pleasing, Deco, just like our name Noir, is an attempt to become completely open to all possibilities. To blend philosophy, art, architecture, culture, history, design and the human experience into one open art form is truly beyond even the most up-to-date vision of the visual arts that most people have. Ahead of its time and even the technology available, we feel all modern creative professionals owe it a respectful nod. We’ve taken the liberty of placing a few links at the bottom for extra reference. Who knows? Maybe you’ll become as inspired by this timeless movement as we are.