Thursday, March 7, 2013

Interrogation Photo (Making of)

Created by our very own David Van Allen

Dave: I've been fortunate enough to work with some amazing photographers on some of my photo manipulations. Photographer Chris Razoyk is no exception. His amazing attention to detail and well trained eye make my job that much more fun.

Music: Killbot – sound surgery

The trick to getting this photo just right was the tone of the overhead light. Chris and I spent some time figuring out how it should look and feel in conjunction with the subject matter. After all we are trying to tell a pretty compelling story so it had to be just right. Chris and I also wanted the blue tone in the background to stay prevalent in order to give the photo a good sense of depth. Overall I feel the piece is a great success. I used Photoshop CS6 My trusty Wacom and Red Giant plugins for the lights.

Check out Chris's blog for more details on the shoot and an amazing video about it.

Chris also had a great article written up about his process in ISO1200 Photography Magazine's Blog.